Dynamic Worship
Biblical Teaching
Covid-19 Precautions
We are taking every effort to encourage safety.
Sign up online to attend one of our services
and practise Social Distancing and please wear a Mask.
Sign up online to attend one of our services
and practise Social Distancing and please wear a Mask.

About us & Our Vision
Rob McArthur is the Lead Pastor of River Church Banff and together with his wife Roxanne and their family, they love serving the local Church. Our vision as a family is to have a Passion for Jesus and His Purposes in all the earth. We want to see Jesus glorified, to see people find their identity in their Heavenly Father, move in the power of the Holy Spirit and unite in love, hope and faith. We are a people who Love God, Love Others, and Change the World.

Meet our Overseers.

David Clark
David has a passion to see believers walk fully in all The Lord has called them to.

Paul Adamson
Paul is a gifted teacher and loves exploring the truths of God's word with the whole congregation and in a weekly bible study. He also frequently brings words of encouragement to individuals and the church.

Phillip Watt
Philip is appreciated for his great sense of humour allied with wisdom and deep, thought provoking, insight into God's word. A God given gift that opens people's hearts to hear what God is saying.

Martin Skinner
Overseer Admin
Martin takes a lead role in our Men on Fire ministry. His organistaional and administrative skills are also much valued.

Children & Youth
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Join Us
Castle St, Banff, Aberdeenshire, UK
Sunday Mornings at 10:30am