For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
- Matthew 6:21
Why We Give
God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
Gift Aid It!
If you are a UK taxpayer - boost your donation to River Church by 25p for every £1 you donate, at no cost to you, through Gift Aid.
To sign up click the button below to fill in our Gift Aid declaration form. You will then be allocated a donor Gift Aid number from the church.
Gift Aid donations can be given via standing order, online or in the special gift aid envelopes available at the church.
Once you are signed up for Gift Aid, if you give via standing order or online, please include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference for each donation. For example: Banff offering GA234, Trinity GA567
To sign up click the button below to fill in our Gift Aid declaration form. You will then be allocated a donor Gift Aid number from the church.
Gift Aid donations can be given via standing order, online or in the special gift aid envelopes available at the church.
Once you are signed up for Gift Aid, if you give via standing order or online, please include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference for each donation. For example: Banff offering GA234, Trinity GA567

How to Give
Online giving is our preferred method. Please continue to do so if possible.
Bank Account Online
You can make a donation from your bank account online. You will need the following information:
Sort code: 83-16-02
Account number: 00656825
Account name: Harvest Ministries Ltd
Amount: Your chosen amount
Examples of a reference include "Banff Offering GA234," "Elgin Building Fund," "Banff Gift Day," "Food Bank," "Revive Scotland."
The reference is a description of what the donation is for and enables the church to allocate the donation appropriately.
If you are signed up for Gift Aid you must include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference.
Sort code: 83-16-02
Account number: 00656825
Account name: Harvest Ministries Ltd
Amount: Your chosen amount
Examples of a reference include "Banff Offering GA234," "Elgin Building Fund," "Banff Gift Day," "Food Bank," "Revive Scotland."
The reference is a description of what the donation is for and enables the church to allocate the donation appropriately.
If you are signed up for Gift Aid you must include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference.
Standing Order
You can set up a monthly standing order through your bank. You will need the same information as for online giving.
Sort code: 83-16-02
Account number: 00656825
Account name: Harvest Ministries Ltd
Amount: Your chosen amount
Examples of a reference include "Banff Offering GA234," "Elgin Building Fund," "Banff Gift Day," "Food Bank," "Revive Scotland."
The reference is a description of what the donation is for and enables the church to allocate the donation appropriately.
If you are signed up for Gift Aid you must include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference.
Sort code: 83-16-02
Account number: 00656825
Account name: Harvest Ministries Ltd
Amount: Your chosen amount
Examples of a reference include "Banff Offering GA234," "Elgin Building Fund," "Banff Gift Day," "Food Bank," "Revive Scotland."
The reference is a description of what the donation is for and enables the church to allocate the donation appropriately.
If you are signed up for Gift Aid you must include the initials GA, followed by your gift aid number, in the reference.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a UK Tax incentive that enables tax-effective giving by individuals to charities in the United Kingdom. See GIFT AID section above for information on how to sign up.
In-Person Donation
You can hand in donations at the church office during office hours. We are open Tuesday through Friday, 9am-pm.
Tithes and offerings can also be given in church during our Sunday services.
Tithes and offerings can also be given in church during our Sunday services.
Revive Scotland
Coming Summer 2022.
We will travel throughout Scotland sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and give the people of Scotland the opportunity to say:
Click below to find out more or partner with us in prayer/financial support.
We will travel throughout Scotland sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and give the people of Scotland the opportunity to say:
Click below to find out more or partner with us in prayer/financial support.